The Explorer's Guide to Planet Orgasm

Welcome to the most mysterious and wonderful of planets, a planet made just for you. We call it Planet Orgasm. On Planet Orgasm, there are dozens of kinds of orgasms, just waiting for us all to have them. You can take Orgasmanaut Training, learn the fascinating history of orgasm research, expand your definitio of orgasm, and voyage into undiscovered orgasmic lands. You'll discover orgasms for people of every gender and orientation: big world-shaking orgasms and gentle mini-gasms; orgasms in every part of your body; orgasms by yourself, orgasms with toys, orgasms with others... and orgasms only you can discover for yourself. World-famous performer/author/educator Annie Sprinkle is your guide, together with artist/educator Beth Stephens and illustrator YuDori. Under the leadership of this fearless crew, you'll discover, through words and pictures, just what Planet Orgasm has in store for you!
Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D., has passionately researched and explored sexuality for over forty years, sharing her experiences through films, books, articles, and photography. She was the first porn star to earn a Ph.D. and taught hundreds of sex workshops for all genders. Sprinkle and her collaborator Beth Stephens are internationally acclaimed artists who create sexually oriented visual art, theater, and performance. Together they are pioneering the new “ecosex movement."
Paperback. 118 pages.