

Send Us Your Smut - untitled - another story by Rosie J

Send Us Your Smut - untitled  - another story by Rosie J

Here's another great story from Rosie J.  This is a great start for Masturbation Month - Thanks Rosie!


I don’t even notice you come up behind me as I am working at the counter. All of a sudden, your hands are on my hips and sliding around my waist. Your breath is hot on my neck as you kiss and nibble on me gently. I gasp as you bite my earlobe sharply. I try to turn around to swat you for hurting me, but you hold me firmly in place. Your left arm is now wrapped tightly across my left arm and your strong left hand has my right arm tightly in its grip. Your right hand has already slipped up under my skirt. You deftly push my panties to the side and split my lips with your fingertips. You are rubbing my clit intently as I struggle against you to turn around. You are having none of that.

Without releasing me, you unzip your pants and take out your throbbing cock. You have been thinking about this all day and you are wasting no time today. You pull me away from the counter slightly before pushing on my back to bend me over. In one swift movement, you have entered me.

I rest my upper body on the counter as best I can considering you have somehow caught both my wrists in one hand behind my back. The other grips my shoulder tightly as you pound into me. Even though I continue to struggle, you know you can continue as I have not uttered the safe word, and I am groaning with pleasure.

I get my hands free and grip the counter. You have your hands on my hips now, pulling yourself into me. I begin to push back against your strokes, making you slam into me harder. You are not interested in anything sweet and tender. You are here to fuck, and you do so with intensity. It’s not long before you feel that familiar sensation growing. The pressure is building quickly but there is no slowing down. You ram into me over and over again. By now I am holding on for dear life as I know you are nearing your peak.

With a growl that starts deep in your diaphragm, you cum inside of me. Shivers run through you as the sensation begins to subside. As quickly and quietly as you arrived, you leave the room. But not before smacking my ass and blowing me a kiss.

 “That cheeky asshole”, I think to myself as I slip off my panties and kick them in the corner. He will pay for that.

I find you in the living room. You still have that smirk on your face and I honestly want to smack it off you. You’re sitting on the floor for some unknown reason, but it will make what I’m going to do that much easier.

You look up to see me coming into the room and you know you’re in trouble from the look on my face. It’s a mix of sexual frustration, annoyance and mischief. You laugh, which only makes me madder.

I’ve crossed the room and have already pushed you so you’re laying on your back. I straddle your face and pin your arms under my knees. The fastest way to shut you up is to nearly suffocate you with my creamy cunt. I don’t care if you like to lick your spunk out of my pussy or not, because you are about to eat like your life depends on it.

The enthusiasm with which you attack my pussy makes me think that this was your plan all along. I hate letting you get what you want, but I love the feel of your mouth on my box so here we are.

I move my hips to take full advantage of your strong tongue. I lower myself over your face and move back and forth on your mouth, forcing you to slurp and lick the full length of my sensitive honey pot. You hitting the floor with your fist lets me know you need air, but I grind away on your face for a few more seconds to remind you who is actually in charge here. Death by cunnilingus. It’s my turn to smirk. I let you take a deep breath. As you start to complain, I lower myself back down to continue my ride. You know the fastest way to get out from under me is to give me the orgasm I seek. Sensing you’ve learned your lesson, I let your arms free.

I have a singular focus now, and your goal is the same. You give me the tongue lashing I crave. My release is imminent. I can feel the pressure and heat growing in my body, and it makes me weak. Sensing your opportunity to regain the upper hand, you roll me over onto my back. Barely missing a beat, your head is between my legs and your fingers inside me. You stroke my g-spot quickly and firmly. Practice has made perfect.

Within moments, my floodgates open as I cum with a scream. My ejaculate pours over your hand as you furiously finger me, allowing my orgasm to finish. My whole body is vibrating as I try to squirm away, but you’ve once again locked me down.

The shockwaves finally subside and I am panting and moaning. We share the same smirk now. I playfully kick you over and tell you to get the mop. Clean up in aisle 5!
