Gwyneth Finally Gets It for Goop
It has finally happened, the day we've all been waiting for! The website 'Goop', owned and operated by actress Gwyneth Paltrow, has been settled a lawsuit filed against it for making unsubstantiated health claims about the products it promotes.
Goop has been the bane of my, and several other sexual health educators, existence for several years now. Paltrow's site positions itself as an authority on products and services that will improve your health and happiness. She regularly features articles about sexual health and the are thinly veiled ads for products she sells on her site. Most of them are rife with misinformation and many of the products are actually dangerous. If you follow my blog, you'll know that I've commented on this many times including her bad information about lube, her hugely properly and downright dangerous jade eggs, and her completely questionable recommendation that we steam our vaginas.Platrow
Other Handy Non-Sexual Uses for Your Silicone Lube
I love silicone lube. I think it is the greatest idea humanity has ever come up with. It lasts and lasts and lasts, never gives you that sticky messy feeling, and it doesn't cause gross nasty infections. It's my favourite thing ever.
However, not all silicone lubes are for everyone, as I found out the other day during coffee with a friend. Seems she had picked up some silicone lube from my place and just wasn't really digging it. She didn't want to throw it in the garbage - we all know silicone lube is not cheap - so she found some other things to do with it.
This inspired me to write this post. As the complete opposite post to yesterdays - things that were not meant to be lube that you shouldn't use as lube, I offer: Other Amazing Things You Can Do With Silicone Lube.
Lying about Lube
I know you’re probably getting sick of me picking apart Gwyneth Paltrow’s site, Goop, but I just have to do it again. I was reading some information today about lubricants and that led me back to Gwyneth and her terrible page on the topic. Lubes are something that people get very confused about because there’s a lot of really bad information floating around out there. I thought it was important to clarify some of the things on this page, which is, sadly, filled with lies. It’s a question and answer with Dr. Maggie Ney who is not a medical doctor but rather a naturopathic doctor. She claims to be an expert in hormones but she sure doesn’t know anything about lube. Here’s are the blatant lies in this piece.
Lie #1 – The FDA does not regulate what goes into lubes
Another Page from the book of 'What Were They Thinking?'
I ran across two very odd products last week. The first is just a rip off, the second could rip off more than your money.
Astroglide has come out with a conception friendly lubricant. I have no problem with the lube itself. I haven't tried it but I've tried other Astroglide products and they're okay. This one seems like it has very similar ingredients to their other water-based lubes. Astroglide claims, however, that this TTC (trying to conceive) lube has a more alkaline ph which does not interfere with sperm survival and motility and that the consistency of the lube enhances the movement of sperm. That could very well be true.