Service as Kink - What's It All About?

Next week, we are thrilled to have special guest facilitator Taylor deliver a workshop on service relationships. This is a new one for us, and a concept that might be new to a lot of people so I asked Taylor to tell us a bit more. This is what they had to say.
"A service relationship is a kink dynamic where one person’s role is to make life easier for the other when possible by prioritizing their desires, comfort, and goals and acting in ways that assist with their partner’s well-being." At the workshop, participants will find out about the many ways service can look (both dynamic styles and specific ideas), some reasons why people are drawn to this kind of kink, and also tips on how to sustain healthy, mutually-beneficial service relationships
This may bring up images of doing chores in sexy maids outfits. While that does sound like a lot of fun, and your brand of service might include that, Taylor says that service can mean much more than that - and can involve emotional service as well.
"There is a fine line between service and being nice to your partner because that’s what you should do to people you care about. Emotional service includes showing up for the other people when they need you, even if the timing isn’t ideal. It’s taking an interest in their passions so that you can better support them, or spending time coming up with ideas that will help them, or even just beingpresent and attentive."
While we might think of providing service as a submissive act, service can also come from a dominant role.
"Service topping can mean several things, the most well-known being someone being dominant to please their partner. It can also look like a Daddy who dotes on and looks after their little, or a dominant who helps their submissive achieve goals." Taylor notes that service is not about doing things and getting nothing back - it's not about scoring free labour - it is an exchange that pleases everyone involved.
If the idea of service piques your interest, or if you are already into it and looking for more, come to the workshop on Sunday, April 22. You can register here on-line now!